Human Rights Policy
Oenon Group Human Rights Policy
The Oenon Group* ("the Group") recognizes it may exert a direct or indirect impact on human rights in the course of operating its businesses. To fulfill its responsibility as a group that respects the human rights of all stakeholders in its business activities under its Corporate Group Philosophy ("from the bounty of nature and with biotechnology as our base, we aim to help people find enjoyment and health through food"), the Group has established the Oenon Group Human Rights Policy ("the Policy") based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations ("UN"), and strives to respect human rights accordingly.
* The Oenon Group referred to in this document comprises Oenon Holdings Inc. and all its group companies.
- 1Basic View on Human Rights
The Group endorses and upholds international norms related to human rights such as the UN International Bill of Human Rights, which sets forth basic human rights for all people, and the International Labour Organization ("ILO") Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which sets forth basic rights at work.
- 2Scope of Application
The Policy applies to all officers and employees of the Group. In addition, the Group requests that all business partners and suppliers involved in its products and services endorse the Policy and strive to respect human rights accordingly.
- 3Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
The Group does not infringe on the human rights of the people affected by its business activities. If its business activities have caused an adverse impact on human rights, the Group takes appropriate action to remedy such impact. In this way, the Group fulfills its responsibility to respect human rights and builds a responsible supply chain.
- 4Due Diligence with Regard to Human Rights
The Group builds due diligence systems with regard to human rights, identifies adverse impacts it has on society in terms of human rights, and aims to prevent and reduce these.
- 5Dialogue and Discussions
In the course of implementing the Policy, the Group utilizes the professional expertise in human rights of independent external parties, and engages in earnest dialogue and discussions with stakeholders.
- 6Education and Training
The Group provides appropriate education and training to ensure the Policy is incorporated in all its business activities and effectively implemented.
- 7Remediation
If it becomes apparent that the Group's business activities have caused an adverse impact on human rights, or that activities conducted through the business relationships of the Group have (or are suspected to have) caused an adverse impact on human rights, the Group will take steps to remedy such impact through dialogue and appropriate procedures based on international standards.
- 8Disclosure of information
The Group discloses its initiatives to respect human rights through its website and other channels.
- 9Applicable Laws and Regulations
The Group complies with the laws and regulations of the countries or regions where it engages in business activities. If contradictions exist between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of individual countries, the Group pursues an approach of maximally respecting international human rights principles.
This Policy was approved by the Board of Directors of Oenon Holdings Inc. on December 28, 2021.
Establishment: December 28, 2021
Yuji Nishinaga, President and CEO
Oenon Holdings, Inc.